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To provide substantial ballast to stabilise temporary lighting towers at the London 2012 Olympic Park in the form of concrete blocks. The concrete blocks must be delivered according to a specific schedule at the end of March, remain in situ throughout the Olympic Games and be removed in September when instructed.
Safe Site Facilities submitted a competitive quotation and work plan to deliver a total of 540 appropriately sized concrete blocks to the Olympic Park in a professional and timely manner. The proposal, combined with Safe Site’s reputation for service, quality and expertise ensured we won the contract.
Five articulated vehicles each delivered and off loaded ten loads of concrete barriers to the London Olympic Park, to be used as ballast for temporary lighting towers on the hockey pitch and volley ball court. The concrete blocks will remain in place throughout the 2012 Olympic Games ensuring the continual stability and safety of the lighting towers.
The concrete barriers will be collected and removed by our skilled teams using articulated vehicles after the close of the 2012 Olympic Games in September.
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