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We were asked to specify a security solution for a small site in Southampton, to protect the front and side of the building, which was under construction, and the scaffolding around it.
The site was situated in a residential area, and there had previously been an intrusion causing damage at the location. The site owner wanted to ensure that the area remained secure when the site was not in use.
We installed a mains-powered rapid deployment tower (RDT) with a 4G router for remote accessibility and monitoring.
The RDT was delivered to site on a flatbed vehicle and our engineer was able to complete the install and commission the mobile CCTV tower for service within two hours.
The client was very happy that the installation was completed so quickly, and that the site was then under constant surveillance. As well as providing coverage of the site, the high visibility RDT and public address system – with customised audio announcements – acted as a warning deterrent against further intrusion.
Do you need help with protecting your site with a CCTV and tannoy system that you can access via any smart device? Contact us today for free advice and quotation!
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