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Height 26mm
Depth 78mm
Width 136mm
Weight 0.2kg
Height 35mm
Depth 55mm
Width 140mm
Weight 0.4kg
Height 35mm
Depth 50mm
Width 170mm
Weight 0.4kg
Height 35mm
Depth 55mm
Width 140mm
Weight 0.4kg
Height 35mm
Depth 55mm
Width 140mm
Weight 0.4kg
Height 35mm
Depth 55mm
Width 140mm
Weight 0.4kg
Height 115 mm
Depth 200 mm
Width 750 mm
Weight 18kg
Height 110 mm
Width 760 mm
Weight 15 kg
Height 345mm
Depth 40mm
Width 165mm
Weight 0.4kg
Height 1487mm
Width 45mm
Weight 3.2kg
Height 1200mm
Width 680mm
Weight 2.9kg
Height 2150mm
Width 40mm
Weight 3.2kg
Height 2280mm
Width 40mm
Weight 3.2kg
Height 280mm
Depth 8mm
Width 125mm
Weight 0.12kg
Depth 510mm
Width 780mm
Height 51mm
Depth 10mm
Width 3500mm
Weight 0.05kg
Height 105mm
Depth 110mm
Width 300mm
Weight 1.5kg
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