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Height 2005mm
Depth 75mm
Width 1000mm
Weight 8.2kg
We offer the following options for fencing and hoarding:
We can also provide timber fencing suitable for general use in gardens – or simply as a nicer looking alternative for long-term site development.
Fencing creates a perimeter around a home or other building. Temporary fencing is used to secure property and construction sites from trespassers and to protect the public.
Hoarding is a temporary boarded fence, used to obscure unsightly building works and protect the public from any hazards. It is often used when construction sites are located alongside pavements or in other busy areas.
SafeSite Facilities was formed in 2009 by a team of security specialists with over 20 years of experience. We offer nationwide coverage for construction sites, homes and void or vacant plots. We have many happy customers and are accredited by several major bodies, including CHAS, SAFEContractor and Constructionline.
Our Fencing and Hoarding is available to buy or hire. Whatever your requirements, our expert team can advise on the best system to fit your needs and we offer nationwide delivery and installation.
Contact us today for a free quote.
We respond in under 30 mins on average (excl. weekends)
We are sure that you will be happy with our services, but if for any reason you are not, we will be sure to make it right for no extra cost!