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Construction sites require a protective boundary. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 state that unauthorised access must be prevented.
For small sites a barrier might be suitable but larger sites need a solid wood or metal hoarding. This is to keep members of the public safe from the dangers of a building site.
Site hoarding needs to be high enough, so it can’t be easily scaled, as well as secure so it can’t be knocked down. It needs to obscure works to deter theft and control access to the site.
SafeSite Facilities has a range of construction hoarding options available. No matter the size of your project, there’s a type of hoarding to suit. You can purchase or hire our construction hoarding to suit your needs.
Our timber hoarding is available in dug-in and freestanding. All of our timber is ethically sourced from sustainable forests around the world, which are both FSC and PEFC approved.
We also have steel hoarding and UPVC hoarding. For a firm-foothold where digging isn’t possible, there’s water-filled hoarding.
We can also provide hoarding lights which are compliant with the current Highways Act & Road Safety Regulations.
Our site hoarding is a cost-effective solution for securing perimeters and screening areas at construction sites, vacant properties, outdoor events and more.
SafeSite Facilities can advise on the best system to fit your needs and we offer nationwide delivery and installation. We’re accredited by key industry bodies including CHAS, SAFEContractor and Constructionline.
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