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Auto-renew hires – regular payments
These terms apply to Cash hires paid for in advance using our regular payment method. You must be the registered card holder to use our regular payment method.
Prices and Payment
You agree to pay the price at the rate notified to you at the time you take out your Hire. We may modify the price of any Hire from time to time. We will always tell you in advance of any increase in the price of your Hire and offer you an opportunity to cancel it if you do not wish to pay the new price.
In addition to the Hire charges due to us, you are responsible for paying a deposit of 75% of the cost of the hire equipment, any Delivery and Collection charges and any losses or Damages that may occur.
Renewals and Cancellations
Your Hire will automatically renew for the same Hire period (e.g. weekly/monthly/annually). Upon renewal, we will charge the current Hire price using the same card or other payment method that you previously used.
You agree that your Hire charges will begin as soon as you receive the equipment hired. If you cancel the Hire after agreement of the quote but before delivery, administration charges may apply.
Hires may be cancelled at any time, by giving 7 days notice of cancellation. You will be refunded any hire charges for any hire period already paid for after the cancellation date.
For all other Terms and Conditions relating to your hire, please see our main Terms & Conditions sent to you with your hire contract.
Product information
Please note that all information including sizes and weights are correct at the time of print, however are subject to change. Please contact our Sales Team if you require the most up-to-date information.