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Our client had a large site located in a rural village near Manchester. Initially there were staff living on site but security measures were required to protect the area once it became unoccupied.
Our rapid deployment mobile CCTV tower was recommended as it could run off its own battery, with minimal intervention required by on site personnel. The tower also provided full angled coverage of the entire site.
We installed a 16-camera CCTV system to cover the whole area, as well as a public address system, to sound a warning message and act as a deterrent to possible intruders.
The installation took two days. Remote monitoring was commissioned but not activated until staff left the site. The initial period of self-monitoring was made as easy as possible for the client, with the camera feed and tannoy system instantly accessible via any smart device. 24/7 remote monitoring was later carried out by our alarm receiving centre, providing our customer with additional security benefits, and peace of mind that the site was under constant surveillance.
Do you need help with protecting your site with a CCTV and tannoy system that you can access via any smart device? Contact us today for free advice and quotation!
We respond in under 30 mins on average (excl. weekends)