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In August 2017 SafeSite Facilities were instructed to install and Dug In Timber Hoarding for a school in Canterbury where improvement works were being carried out.
Supply and install dug in timber hoarding with vehicle and pedestrian access, as well as work with our client to remove timber on site and reinstall.
Timber hoarding, vehicle gates and ground protection mats.
We were giving a very strict time frame of works and were only instructed to complete the works 2-3 weeks prior to completion, as it was a school we had to undertake all the works during term time whilst fitting in with other contractors on site. Each phase was completed to meet our client’s deadlines and allow a smooth flow of work.
We Supplied and installed 435 linear metres of dug in timber hoarding with vehicle and pedestrian access. We worked with our client to take down and reinstall 135 linear metres already on site. We supplied and fitted ground protection mats to allow continued access for pupils navigating around the school.
“We approached SafeSite for hoarding works in two projects and it seems that our choice was proved good enough. SafeSite provided a good quality of the works. They were always willing to satisfy our requirements by providing more labour when needed and more important they achieved our deadlines.”
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