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SafeSite delivered products and installation services for a leading UK contractor appointed to complete a large construction project in Edinburgh. Led by a well-known developer, investor and designer, owning 43 acres of undeveloped land, the detailed planning application is focused on more than 43,000 sqm of commercial space. This includes a significant commercial hub and public square at Edinburgh Park railway station and office blocks. There is an emphasis on sustainable transport with low levels of car parking including a large public park, play areas and beautiful gardens. Edinburgh Park is not only as a great place to work, but also a sustainable urban quarter and a cultural destination.
SafeSite supplied temporary fencing, timber hoarding, walkways, traffic logs, posts, wire fencing and vehicle gates. We supplied and installed a bespoke farmer’s gate.
This complex project started with SafeSite installing security boundaries with 900m of inground and freestanding timber hoarding which was painted in the customer’s corporate colours. We then installed vehicles gates, pedestrian walkways, and traffic logs. Due to the vicinity of the train line, the 1st phase was challenging as it required special permits as well as safety practices to be strictly adhered to.
The 2nd phase involved dismantling timber hoarding for recycling and regeneration project and installing temporary fencing, posts and wire fencing to separate the boundary line from public footpaths. Walkways were removed and we installed timber hoarding to segregate phase 1 and phase 2 works from the completed areas. 2nd part was challenging logistically, it required pre-planning due to tarmac finished and completed zones. High winds and weather conditions were also a challenge.
The project started in 2019. With phase 1 completed, in December 2021 SafeSite started 2nd phase of the 6-year project. Customer happy with the overall completion of the project, our professional approach and how quickly and efficiently we dealt with the works.
Do you have a security need that requires specialist solutions? Contact our team today for free advice and quotation.
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