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A client had an old Farming warehouse that was no longer in use and needed building works to take place. The client needed to keep the building clear and empty and prevent people gaining entry. They required temporary fencing around the building and other parts of the site too, such as the duck pond to secure the area and preventing unwanted access while the areas are vulnerable.
Identifying the most cost-effective solution; as the site area was rather large, we decided our Heavy-Duty Anti Climb Round Top temporary Fencing, was the best choice. This would secure the site, to ensure works could be carried out safely, and the building remain secure at times when left unattended. We used high visibility Thermoplastic Rubber Feet at each join for added stability. The ground was uneven in places and the feet allowed us to secure the temporary fencing over uneven ground and round corners at ease. Along with the fencing we secured Vehicle Access Gates so contractors could gain access with materials as needed.
We kept to our time scales over two phases, and the work was completed to the agreed specification. SafeSite supplied and installed our temporary fencing, to keep the building clear, contractors, wildlife and the public safe from harm. We felt this was well organised and executed efficiently, our customer was very happy with the result.
Really happy with the timescale which this was completed. SafeSite remained professional and completed the task swiftly.
Do you need assistance securing a vacant building? Contact our team for free advice and a quote today.
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