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When SafeSite Facilities opened its doors as a small, family-run company, it was always the intention that the business should firmly be part of the community. Today, as a market-leading enterprise, that commitment to local people continues even more so.
We are delighted to say that SafeSite Facilities has provided and installed barriers free of charge to several local charity and sporting events over the past few months.
Our primary goal in so doing was, naturally, to ensure the participants and crowds at the events were safe. But, these events also helped us meet people from the community. We have made new friends and new contacts whom we could help again in the future.
SafeSite Facilities also provided 2.3m fixed leg crowd barriers and temporary Heras fencing at Littlehampton Sportsfield in St Floras Road for their sold-out FA Vase semi-final. Littlehampton went on to win that match and reach the final at Wembley.
We were pleased to provide safety infrastructure – 2.3m fixed leg crowd barriers for the Sunrise To Remember walk in Worthing on 24 June. St Barnabas House Hospice Care kindly organised this beautiful event. People walked in memory of those they loved and to raise funds for and awareness of the great work done by this charity.
SafeSite Facilities installed temporary barriers – 2.3m fixed leg crowd barriers for another charity walk – Castle Night Trek – organised by and to benefit Chestnut Tree House Hospice Care. An impressive 650 determined walkers embarked on the night to raise valuable funds for the kids and families who can use the hospice free of charge.
Michael Knibbs, Managing Director at Safesite Facilities, said: “I don’t believe our responsibilities stop at the office door. We’re proud to have contributed to keeping people safe at these fantastic local sports and charity events. They’ll be further such charitable endeavours in the future. Sports and charity events bring people together regardless of their background. SafeSite Facilities will always be part of the community around us, and we’ll do what we can to lend a hand.”
SafeSite Facilities will also provide barriers – 2.3m fixed leg crowd barriers on 17 July for Hit The Downs, a bicycle event in which participants decide on their route and traverse the South Downs to raise funds for children whose time is precious.
Whether participating in remembrance of a loved one or bringing a bunch of friends or colleagues together to have some fun, it’s all for a worthy cause.
Everyone at our organisation thanks all the participants at the events for the efforts they have made in raising valuable charitable funds.
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