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The tragedy at the Brixton Academy, in which two people died is an unfortunate reminder that effective crowd control resources are essential. Proper infrastructure at gigs and live performances can ensure the safety of the public and performers.
The solutions to help prevent such tragedies have never been more affordable or so easy to deploy. We offer a range of products and services that can make concerts and festivals a safe place for all people.
The application of mobile and rapid intervention CCTV systems at events offers a broad spectrum of advantages for the safety and security of attendees. These camera systems can be operated alone or with your dedicated security officers to give you the surveillance needed for safety.
Significant events can attract thousands of people, creating complex security and crowd control challenges. Rapid deployment of CCTV helps direct the movement of people by identifying bottlenecks and monitoring the most crowded areas where people tend to assemble.
When threats or incidents are discovered, event officials can act promptly. Rapid deployment CCTV systems are handy for big events because they are portable and can be positioned in critical locations. For different events, where crowds might gather or move in different ways, cameras can be relocated into the most appropriate positions.
A human presence at large events is indispensable in reassuring the public. SafeSite’s trained security personnel ensure everyone knows where they’re going, meaning there’s less likely to be a bottleneck of confused people further down the line.
People who’ve been to a venue before might know their way around its foyers and corridors. For many, though, it’ll be their first time there. A few people might never have even been to a concert.
The presence of trained security operatives provides a team of professionals who can help guide everyone regardless of their concert experience. These valued staff can act as eyes and ears on the ground and report to the security desk about emerging situations, such as crowded corridors or anti-social behaviour that could spiral.
Ultimately, this guarded force should only need to function as a kind and helpful human presence. The presence of guards psychologically reassures visitors whilst gently sending them in the right direction. First-aid qualified, trained security staff means that you have the right people on hand for a fast response to incidents and conflict mitigation.
With the correct use of crowd control barriers, a concert has minimal chances of unwanted incidents such as too many people in one place or unauthorised entry backstage.
Barriers partition the various sections of an event whilst offering routes to essential amenities such as toilets, platforms or food areas. As they are integral in partitioning the stage for the general audience, barriers can also clarify where the crowd may stand. Ambiguity leads to confusion and chaos.
Known in the UK as police barriers, these are a terrific, premium-quality approach to crowd management. Each barrier is manufactured from high-grade galvanised steel and is ideal for exterior applications.
The light frame that these barriers have, make their transport very easy and provides a means for storing the barriers when not in use. The barriers can be connected end-on-end to create excellent crowd control systems fast.
Michael Knibbs, Managing Director of SafeSite Facilities commented:
“We use the right equipment and make sure everyone is safe. You need to ensure that the directions are clear and that ample space is demarcated. Keep an eye on crowds with mobile CCTV and use trained officers and regulation-grade barriers. “The right resources to keep crowds safe have never been more affordable or accessible.”
For more information, about our event and crowd control solutions click here.
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