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Each year the teams at Safe Site Facilities nominate a Charity to receive a donation from the business. This year, colleagues from across the business chose food banks to receive the funds. The Northern (Gretna) and Southern teams (Littlehampton and Rustington) dropped off essential items to foodbanks in Carlisle and Littlehampton and as well as donating £400 to Worthing Food Foundation and £2000 to the Trussell Trust.
More than 14 million people are living in poverty in the UK – including 4.5 million children. There are over 1,200 Trussell Trust food banks in the UK, and they provide nutritionally-balanced food to people in crisis. They also offer support to help people resolve the crises they face.
Unfortunately, the number of people accessing food banks is rising. In 2020 the Trussell Trust provided 1.9 million food supplies to those in crisis – a 18% increase on the year before. Post-pandemic numbers continue to increase and many of the food banks were overwhelmed by demand over the festive period. The Warwick Food Bank was so overwhelmed with donations that they asked us to replenish their supplies mid-January instead.
Marketing Manager, Alex O’Loughlin was one of the Littlehampton-based employees involved in delivering the food, she said of the experience: “We were really impressed by the staff at the Food Bank, it was a pleasure to meet them and hear about all the important work they do – over and above providing food to those in need.
We have a history of being in involved in numerous charitable initiatives including sponsoring Ferring FCs under 23s team. We plan to continue working with the food banks local to our branches in Littlehampton, Carlisle, and Gretna throughout the year – in addition to other charitable initiatives.”
You can find out more about the impact of the Trussell Trust, and their work during the pandemic here.
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