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According to the Chartered institute of Environmental Health the construction industry is responsible for 18% of large particle pollution in the UK, second only to road transport.
As a site safety and security business working within the construction industry, we are committed to doing what we can as a business to reduce our minimize our carbon footprint.
We recognise the threat posed by the industry to the climate emergency and have implemented policies, to play a positive in role in moving to greener operations.
Our staff undergo mandatory environmental awareness training and our fleet of vehicles hit the road with carbon footprint at a premium. Our commitment also extends to our employees in the field – by keeping noise disruption, and pollution, to a minimum when installing our products for use on a construction site or building project.
Our Green Office Policy champions sustainability – for example, we only use recyclable paper, ensure all our equipment is turned off when not in use, and our products are made from reusable materials.
We offer products for sale, but also hire and with a ‘buy back’ option. The buyback option means that used products are redirected from landfill and reused and re-hired out to customers.
Our products are made from recycled materials and our plastic barriers and timber and steel hoardings all go to companies who specialise in reuse and recycling.
Our hire, sale and buyback options enable materials used, to have a new life whilst preventing landfill and paving the way for a sustainable future.
We respond in under 30 mins on average (excl. weekends)