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Home to over 440k residents, Bristol is the most populous city in the south west. Once a major port with a long history of trade, it’s economy is now centred around the electronics, finance and creative media sectors. The city also boasts a growing arts and heritage scene that draws numerous tourists each year.
With one of the fastest growing economies in the country, Bristol’s landscape is constantly changing. From commercial renovations in the centre to new residential apartments in Bedminster Green, there are many developments ongoing. And if your company is due to start work on a building project in the city, you’ll need to ensure your site meets regulations.
By law, you are now required to install a barrier around your construction site to limit access to authorised personnel only. In other words, you must do everything in your power to keep members of the public same from harm. And at SafeSite Facilities, we have a range of hoarding products to help you do just that.
From interlocking water-filled barriers with long-lasting steel panels to reinforced UPVC hoarding designed to support bulkhead lighting and CCTV, we’ve something for every project. We can also supply a choice of dug-in systems or freestanding models with no permanent fittings, to suit the type of ground you’re working on.
Need construction site hoarding in Bristol right away? Whether you’re based in Hartcliffe or Hillfields, our dedicated team will deliver and fit your preferred system the very next day.
We respond in under 30 mins on average (excl. weekends)
We are sure that you will be happy with our services, but if for any reason you are not, we will be sure to make it right for no extra cost!