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The 1.5m version of the Evo barriers are frequently seen at construction sites and during temporary roadworks. The barrier are made from high-quality plastic, and can be filled with water, or sand for longer-term projects.
Just as with the 1m Evo barriers these barriers can be used with mesh fence panels, mini mesh with reflective panel and post with reflective panel. They also connect with a corner angle for use on sites with tight turns.
The unfilled weight of the barriers is just 10kg and 30kg when full. The light weight and 1.5m length of these barriers means they are swift to position and install.
The units interlock together to make a single structure so no one can slip or trip between the barriers.
Each barrier can be stacked for ease of transportation. Contact us today for a free, no obligation quote.
See below for a video which illustrates how easy the Evo Barriers are to install, and their compatibility with other products, such as pedestrian fence panels and Chapter 8 ‘post and rails’.
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