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5.0 (2 reviews)
5.0 (2 reviews)
Meshed temporary fencing panels keep trespassers at bay, but do little to prevent determined criminals from assessing a site – steel hoarding ensures that the your site is out of sight and out of mind, and also allows people on either side of the fence to continue with the work without interruption.
Provided in standardised panels that are lightweight, easy to store and transport, and easy to install, temporary steel hoarding maintains the privacy and security of the site in a cost-effective manner. Panels are free-standing, resulting in an installation that won’t damage a site while work is concluded. This product is additionally compatible with all temporary fencing products, allowing site operators to mix and match for cost and utility. Pedestrian and vehicle gate options are also available.
SafeSite Facilities understand every aspect of site security. Our team has over 25 years of experience, and in addition to delivering your fencing for hire or purchase, we can also install and remove any temporary system you hire from us. To find out more, request a callback using the form below.
Does your site need an extra secure temporary hoarding solution? Try our SafeSite Stronghoard product. For compatible and alternative fencing products, be sure to check out our temporary Heras fencing pages.
This video presents the way in which Safesite Facilities Packages, loads and delivers Steel Hoarding.
5 out of 5 (2 reviews)
Great product for what we need on site.
We were very pleased with the quality of the product provided
We respond in under 30 mins on average (excl. weekends)
We are sure that you will be happy with our services, but if for any reason you are not, we will be sure to make it right for no extra cost!