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Our large hand wash station is a portable unit to help minimise the spread of germs between workers and members of the public in high footfall locations. A large hand wash unit provides an ideal preventative measure in minimising the risk of infection in the fight against COVID-19.
✓ Each self-contained unit includes an easy-fill 45 litre water storage tank for up to 225 x 20 second hand washes.
✓ Lightweight and portable design suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
✓ Increased storage and dispenser capacity, minimising the need for regular refilling.
✓ Used water is drained into a removable drum for easy disposal.
✓ Foot-operated pump provides hands-free tap, minimising touchpoints on the unit.
✓ Made from 70% recycled plastic.
✓ Customisable with your corporate branding.
✓ Available to hire or buy.
✓ Delivery nationwide.
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