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Sudden changes in weather can mean that you need to re-evaluate the ballast solutions you have in place for your event or site. These ballast bags offer a quick, durable, fuss-free solution for improving the wind resistance of your pedestrian barriers.
They increase the overall stability of the pedestrian barriers, and so increased protection against high winds. Low cost, performance tested and durable, these can be quickly added to a barrier without creating a tripping hazard.
Ballast Bags are much more durable than sandbags, so cause less waste and mess. The bags also ensure a neat and tidy appearance. The ballast bags take moments to install and their straps double up as handles making carrying and moving them easy.
Up to 3 of these can be added to a pedestrian barrier and they can used in addition to a ballast drop block.
Each ballast bag that you attach to a pedestrian barrier increases its wind load performance. Each ballast bag you add improves the wind load performance increments of around 12%:
1 Ballast bag = 44% improvement
2 Ballast bags = 66% improvement
3 Ballast bags = 87% improvement
These PVC bags are ideal for locations where there are large numbers of pedestrians such as busy high streets and events. We have a number of safety barrier systems in stock, available to hire or buy. Our expert sales teams will be able to advise on the best solution for your site and location.
We also stock drop ballast blocks which quickly and easily slot on to the bottom rail of the pedestrian barrier. Click here for more information about our drop ballast blocks.
Please contact us for free, no-obligation quotation: 0800 012 5352
We respond in under 30 mins on average (excl. weekends)
We are sure that you will be happy with our services, but if for any reason you are not, we will be sure to make it right for no extra cost!