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Our customer – a larger UK contractor, was appointed to deliver a Housebuilding Programme in London Borough of Hounslow – Everglades, Rose Gardens and Clemens Court. The project is known as the London Borough of Hounslow (LBH) Infill Sites Programme – infilling the ground, upgrading existing properties and rehousing people. The four infill site projects form part of Hounslow’s ‘5000 Pledge’. The Council has pledged to secure an additional 5,000 new affordable homes by 2022. Of these, 3,000 Council and Housing Association homes will be for rent, and 2,000 for shared ownership and other Council housing. The Council has also pledged to crack down on rogue landlords and support residents to buy their first home.
Clemens Court and Everglades – both 2-year projects for the contractor and SafeSite started working on the sites in November 2021.
SafeSite Facilities was contacted to provide site safety solutions in the perimeter of the construction sites, to secure the boundaries for the new buildings whilst working on a live housing estate. We provided and installed vehicle gates, temporary fencing, timber hoarding painted in corporate colours, metal hoarding, pedestrian gates and crowd barriers. The team were trying to work efficiently while dealing with access challenges due to residence permits. Traffic management was a challenge and logistics to ensure smooth operation on site.
This is 2-year 37 mln staggered project which started in June 2021 with estimated completion for April 2023. The client was very happy with the outcome and scope of works provided by SafeSite.
Do you have site safety needs need that require specialist solutions? Contact our team today for free advice and quotation.
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