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Our customer – a larger UK contractor contacted us to provide site safety solutions in the perimeter of the construction site situated in Billiter Street in central London. This is a prestige 3-year project which started around autumn 2020.
We provided and installed a number of products such as vehicle gates, concrete barriers bolted together and crash tested at 50mph which formed pit lanes, timber hoarding, fencing – prefabricated and especially engineered and bolted on top to protect public and work force. Oversized block gates and concrete barriers were also delivered to the site.
Due to the size of the project, we faced challenges such as traffic management due to a busy location with moving vehicles, permits to load and unload products. The team worked extended hours and 7 days a week split into two shifts to deliver this busy project.
The client was very happy with the outcome and scope of works provided by us.
Do you have barriers needs that require specialist solutions? Contact our team today for free advice and quotation.
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