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Our customer – a larger UK contractor, was appointed to deliver 76 high-quality new homes in Winnall, Winchester. It started with demolition of existing garages and creating new car park for residents as well as installation of 3 new blocks.
SafeSite Facilities was contacted to provide site safety solutions in the perimeter of the construction sites.
We provided and installed a number of products such as hoarding, vehicle gates, temporary fencing, metal fencing/steel walls, pedestrian gates, ground skirts to the cabin (for vermin prevention), posts and rails for pedestrian walkways. Due to the size of the project, we faced challenges some of which was managing restricted residents’ traffic and issues with restricted residence parking.
This is 2-year staggered project with estimated completion for SafeSite middle of Feb 2022. The client was very happy with the outcome and scope of works provided by us.
Do you have site safety needs that require specialist solutions? Contact our team today for free advice and quotation.
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